Election Fraud Likely Worse Than You Thought

Over the past year the idea of voter and election fraud has been on the mind of a lot of people, thinking it was new or isolated and that a few “reforms” such as voter ID or mandated in person voting would solve the issue. This presentation called “How the Conspiracy Hijacks Elections” explains why simple reforms will simply mask the issue and that returning to lost principles is the only way to restore election integrity. This is the history of elections and how we can get back on track. This presentation was given in Lehi, UT in May 2021



5 Responses

  1. Ben, you had me at “chicken farmer!” That is honestly the trait of a true grit American who is willing to spend time in an endeavor that smells worse than Washington DC! I salute you!

    I am Samantha’s MIL and I do know this is not a new issue! I. As I approach my 80th birthday, I have been around the block a few times only to learn that I am more winded by the experience!
    Good documentary and great work!

  2. I live in New Zealand, I am lds. Listening to this video describes how our ‘democracy’ works. Many of us see the corruption and are in the same situation as you. (not feeling we can reverse bad laws, being roller coasted). We feel our elections are corrupt and manipulated. We live in a system that is coated with icing to hide the Marxist cake.
    Even worse that this – Many are soundly asleep to true freedom and these have and will become the brown shirts of a particular fascist state.
    Question – With the Davy Crockett story, what would have been the true way to help those victims of the fire without government becoming involved?
    warm regards,

  3. Election Fraud has been going on for many many decades if not for 100’s of years. It was Mark Twain that made the famous statement ” If voting worked they wouldn’t let us do it”.

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