Action: MAJOR HEALTH FREEDOM OPPORTUNITY – HB123 (Informed Consent on Vaccines)

Do we have medical establishment sellouts at the Utah legislature blocking a major health freedom opportunity?  It’s sitting in the Utah legislature as we speak.

Did you know that many doctors get PAID to force vaccines onto their patients?  Did you know this has been happening for decades?  Did you know that most patients have no idea about this conflict of interest, and they’re led to believe that the doctor must simply believe in the vaccines they’re selling to them.


Some members of the legislature shilling for the medical establishment are saying “give up, the bill is dead”. That’s called gaslighting and they want you to be the victim.  They have the power to bring it back and move it to the floor, anything else is an excuse on this very simple, cut and dry, legislation.

Other members of the legislature were reported to use the excuse “oh, that doesn’t actually happen”.

Yet, it’s so common that the national library of medicine, in a pubmed article, on a government website, discusses the benefits of these “doctor bonuses”

Journalists previously were able to save a pharma company’s vaccine incentive program before they took it down after it was exposed publicly.

One insurance company’s incentive program (PDF).

Additionally, one Utah doctor Defending Utah interviewed showed us a letter from 2020 that financially incentivized the covid shots. Check back here for updates as we get a copy of the letter to scan for this article.


HB123 – Powerful Legislation On Our Doorstep

HB123 – VACCINE DISCLOSURE AMENDMENTS – (Sponsored By Rep Trevor Lee) is a rare example of a bill that only does something good (no bad mixed in), in a very targeted way, that actually protects the people from tyranny.  With zero risk to the people. The only people that would be against this bill are those who profit from selling vaccines (manufacturers, lobbyists and even the doctors).

People have a right to know the conflicts of interest that exist so they can make the best informed choices of what they put into their bodies.

URGENT ACTION: Right now (as of 2-17-23) this bill is being blocked in the House Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee

These reps voted to BLOCK the bill (which ultimately could be described as protecting medical fraud):

Melissa G. Ballard (Voted against the people) ([email protected])
Briscoe, J. (Voted against the people) ([email protected])
Ariel Defay. (Voted against the people) ([email protected])
Brett Garner (Voted against the people) ([email protected])
Jeffrey D. Stenquist (Voted against the people) ([email protected])

These reps voted correctly to allow the bill to continue:

Colin Jack (Good vote) ([email protected])
Mark A. Strong (Good vote) ([email protected])

These reps were absent:

Scott H. Chew ([email protected])
Paul A. Cutler ([email protected])
Mark A. Wheatley ([email protected])

When this bill went through committee it was overwhelmingly spoken IN FAVOR OF, but they voted against the people anyway.  Only those representing the medical establishment tried to speak against this bill.

In order for this bill to see the light of day, we must flood the phone lines and emails of these committee members (not your own rep, but these committee members) and politely, but firmly demand that this bill must be allowed to move on to the house floor so it can be voted on by the people’s representatives. The bill is currently HELD but they have the power to bring it back (despite the excuses some are trying to say). Make them feel the pressure. If the people insist, and they still don’t bring it to the floor for a vote, you’ll know who truly represents you.

View our “Contact Your Reps” page for all contact information for your representatives


14 Responses

  1. Wow, this is a great bill. I wish they were required to share potential side effects as well, which doctors almost never do.

  2. Thank you for making it so easy to send something to our representatives. It took me less than five minutes to send a quick note to all of the ones trying to block the bill.

  3. Great bill. I sent it out to 60 plus friends . I was told (won’t mention by who) don’t bug the committee folks 🙁 to late. Can you explain why I was told not to contact those in your article? It’s so confusing .Thanks for the great article .

    1. Unfortunately, those who told you that are caving to the selling out on behalf of the medical establishment. This is not the first time they’ve done this over the years. Legislators absolutely can, and have a duty, to take this bill off hold and put it back in motion, all the power is there, there’s nothing truly stopping them, just their loyalty to the medical tyrants. Saying it’s “dead” is simply gaslighting the people of Utah and should not be accepted. The committee can bring it back, they represent the people and they have a duty to let the house vote on it instead of HOLDing it in committee. We must not accept their playing of games.

  4. Your Health Freedom is e-mailing and saying this bill does not have support in Committee to be moved out. They are asking people to give up and stop contacting. I would love to see this bill out on the floor but their information stated it will be re-visited in a future session? Do you have other info?

    1. Unfortunately, anyone who says that is selling out on behalf of the medical establishment. This is not the first time this group’s leadership has done this over the years. Legislators absolutely can, and have a duty, to take this bill off hold and put it back in motion, all the power is there, there’s nothing truly stopping them, just their loyalty to the medical tyrants. Saying it’s “dead” is simply gaslighting the people of Utah and should not be accepted. The committee can bring it back, they represent the people and they have a duty to let the house vote on it instead of HOLDing it in committee. We must not accept their playing of games.

      1. If they are not upholding their sworn oath they can be sued if they are bonded and not many people are aware of it . Right down to small town city office positions if they are bonded their bond can have action taken against it …. safeguards against ignorance , incompentancy and tyranny .

        1. You’re talking about a correct principle, there is a law that bonds elected and appointed officials, it’s not about suing them though.
          There’s a lot of misinformation on this subject, which I think is intentional by somebody out there. People spread misinformation without understanding exactly how it works.
          If you’re interested in investigating this and you want to discuss it more, you can send us a private message on our contact page.

  5. Why is it that my comments get deleted ? I thought this was a free speech platform ? Is there other ways of contacting you ? I have legitimate questions and just seeking answers .

    1. Your comments are not deleted. WordPress automatically holds some comments based on an algorithm and I have to manually review them as soon as I can get to them.

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