Action: SB104 / SB194 – It’s NOT for the Children, it’s DIGITAL ID

Social Media

Below are two of the four social media bills passed last year and this:

SB104, the Childrens Device Protection Act,  has been praised as a conservative success to protect children.

SB194, Social Media Regulation Amendments, is a companion to the tyranny.

SB104 will require all mobile devices in Utah to have “protection” already installed on them by the manufacturer by the time you buy it.

UPDATE (2/23/24):SB104 and SB194 – Even worse than we thought! Will you have a digital ID before Halloween?

Need to contact your rep now to oppose these bills.

This breaking info came from one of our supporters:

“It was your call to action that first got my attention. As I looked more and more into this bill, I see that you were absolutely right that it is digital ID. One of the parties that testified in favor of it during the Senate committee is the Age Verification Providers Association, a group out of the UK that represents Digital ID companies. They will have you use digital ID to verify your age. The language of the bill as you probably know also includes current social media account holders and the language is broad enough to include platforms such as Telegram. It faces almost no opposition. They will have everybody voluntarily verifying with digital ID by Halloween.”


SB104 – Your noise is making a difference, good job people. They’ve backed off a tiny bit, but it doesn’t solve the problem.
We all know that doesn’t change the agenda and that this can be “required” later if only “optional” right now. “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program” – Milton Friedman. Keep pushing to kill the bill. The proper role of government is not to regulate private business or our private lives. This bill is also still a violation of the Utah Constitution free market clause (Article XII Sec 20).

Find your rep, house and senate, and tell them to shut down these two bills!

Three things that I would hope jump out at any constitutionally minded person

1. Tyranny always comes in the name of protecting the children. Have we not learned this yet?

2. When has government regulating our safety ever turned out well?

3. Aren’t we violating property rights by inserting ourselves into private business and onto private devices?


It’s as simple as this:

If devices are legally required to verify your age when you set them up, and if this law were to be enforced, that would mean you’ll have to prove your age.  If you have to prove it, you’ll need to sync real identification to the device. Your device now becomes one with your identity and suddenly everybody with a mobile device automatically has a digital ID.  Hello digital drivers license, hello vaccine passport, everything we’ve been fearing since the medical tyranny of 2020.


SB194, forces social media companies to also verify your ID. It won’t be long before the social media companies are “Forced” to interact directly with that ID on your device.

It’s not government’s job to parent your children. By allowing this, we allow a major intrusion of government directly into our families.

In this case, the power to allegedly “protect” our families is the power to control them. As much as we hate social media, it’s also a core part of all of our lives. The level of inappropriate government intrusion that is happening into our lives cannot be overstated.


I know you love the children, and I do to.  But I promise you, that government is not trying to protect the children, and that these bills will not actually protect them. Only parents can protect them.

Both SB104 and SB194 must be stopped.

It has already passed the Senate and the house committee and is on the way to the house floor.

Contact your House Representative and ask them to vote no.  At least ask them to remove line 112 if nothing else.

But truthfully, government should not regulate devices anyway, and it will never work to actually protect kids.  It just puts the government more into our personal lives on our personal devices.

1. Contact your House Rep:

2. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for an upcoming video about this bill SB104, including how the sponsor, Senator Todd Weiler, has been set up to run this bill since at least 2016. We’ve got a full video report coming out soon.


One Response

  1. That’s what CHINA does… you have to have a phone with this loaded digital ID stuff in order to buy anything or move about. Ask recent tourists. What a HASSLE. This is conditioning kids to a totalitarian state going forward… they’ll be less resistant as adults if its the status quo now.

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