Action HB405: Quarantine Tyranny; Must Modify the Bill

Quarantine Tyranny



HB405 contains extremely tyrannical language to control you as an individual and your property during an emergency.

We already killed language like this in 2020 when they tried to give these exact same powers to mayors, you may remember this report that went viral overnight.

Interesting that they’re deleting and recreate the language in different sections of the code, instead of just completely remove this langauge.

Basically, this bill is just moving the chairs around the sinking titanic.

Say No to all quarantine powers! These powers must never exist.  People will always resist this.

Tell them instead to modify the bill to COMPLETELY REMOVE all the language that says they can control people and property.

Additionally, even if this law passes, all people  have the constitutional rights, explicitly from the Utah Constitution to resits, ignore, nullify this law. Cities, counties and individuals have no obligation to comply.

If they can’t control your property during a non-emergency, then they can’t control your property during an emergency.

Spread this knowledge so when they use this, people know their rights.

All persons have the inherent an inalienable right …  to defend their lives and liberties…  to possess and protect property
-Utah Constitution, Article 1 Section 1



Please text or email your senators and ask them to remove the tyrannical language on HB 405: Public Health Amendments.

Text template, but make it your own.

Dear ___________,

Please modify HB405 to remove the egregious language that says the government can control any individual or people’s property. The Utah Constitution protects the unalienable rights for us to protect our liberties and our property in Art 1 Sec 1, and it also forbids legislation from expanding powers beyond the constitution during an emergency in Article VI sec 30.



1. This bill passed committee and has moved on to the senate floor (2-26-24), look up your rep and send your message:

Contact your Reps:

2. If this bill gets passed without modification, contact the Governor’s office to demand a veto:

3. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for upcoming post-session video reports.

4. Read about the founder’s pattern for a big picture solution to tyranny at


4 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing this information. It is so hard to stay up to date on what is happening in the legislature. How can we go about limiting the number of bills per legislative session? It is absurd to have over 1,100 bills and resolutions in a session.

  2. I did send that letter off to my representatives thank you for that notice and I will send every action alert that you ever post because I believe in our freedom and liberty and I’m against tyrannical dictatorship and what has happened to our country so you can count on me for every action alert. To do that um

    1. Yes it passed. We tried to keep movement against it going, but your local controlled opposition group “Your Health Freedom” pushed the bill.

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