We have been hearing a lot about “peace.” Peace has always been a universal goal, because who doesn’t want peace right?
Well, let’s address what “THEY” (establishment or worse) mean by peace vs what we the people mean.
Below is a clip from George H Bush about the “New World Order” and “Peacekeeping” and the “United Nations.”
https://youtu.be/bAB40KuK9r4?feature=shared full clip here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ6qpFpIFkY
We hope that gives you an idea of where all this “peace” has led to and is going.
To further highlight those “peace” goals let’s just go over some quotes from another key speech below:
“My speech today will not sound like any you’ve heard from a President of the United States. I’m not going to dwell on the superpower competition that defined international politics for half a century. Instead, I will discuss the challenges of building peace and prosperity in a world leavened by the Cold War’s end, the resumption of history.”
“As democracy flourishes, so does the opportunity for a third historical breakthrough: international cooperation. A year ago, the Soviet Union joined the United States and a host of other nations in defending a tiny country against aggression and opposing Saddam Hussein. For the very first time on a matter of major importance, superpower competition was replaced with international cooperation.”
“The United Nations has mounted more peacekeeping missions in the last 36 months than during its first 43 years.” – Do you think everyone feels like they were/are peacekeeping missions? Do you think Iraq considers themselves full of freedom and peace?
What about the below quote? Was he prepping the world for this “disagree better” style of “conflict resolution” and living as non-binary droids in a transhumanist hellscape?
“No one here can promise that today’s borders will remain fixed for all time. But we must strive to ensure the peaceful, negotiated settlement of border disputes. We also must promote the cause of international harmony by addressing old feuds. We should take seriously the charter’s pledge “to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.”
Little bit of ESG and DEI to FORCE everyone into compliance via money:
“The United Nations can encourage free-market development through its international lending and aid institutions. However, the United Nations should not dictate the particular forms of government that nations should adopt. But it can and should encourage the values upon which this organization was founded. Together, we should insist that nations seeking our acceptance meet standards of human decency.”
Source: https://2009-2017.state.gov/p/io/potusunga/207269.htm
Below President Bush (Sr) talks about the NOW in 1991 and pay close attention to what is said here:
A few things to point out:
- How do you think the Middle East views all this “freedom” and “peace” they were force fed?
- This lovely NWO will be organized around “international communities.” Don’t know about you but we can sure do without Obama (community organizer) and Bush (Sr) alphabet soup captains idea of “community.”
- Big one here: “so now American stand ready to work with them to SECURE the peace.” Boy oh boy, how’d that go for the middle east America? Did you ever think these Marxists tactics would be turned on you? They will use “safety and security” to force their agenda at all costs.
If you have been a longtime reader, you will know the United Nations and friends (WEF/WHO etc) use “human rights” and “human dignity” to FORCE through some of their worse ideals and goals. It’s not a choice. They may use carrot before the stick, but the stick always comes into play.
They are aware that top down doesn’t often sit well with the people, that local government (cities/counties) is the way they can achieve said goals. They often use public-private partnerships and non-governmental agencies to work from a local up angle. Keep in mind you have global orgs like the ones named above but you always have a large state P3/NGO that then pushes the agenda down to city and county P3s/NGOs.
Something to think about: What are the UN/WEF/WHO? P3s/NGOs? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
The below quote seems to really highlight the goals of the “establishment, DS, THEY.”
“Inspire future generations to praise and venerate you, to say, “On the ruins of conflict, these brave men and women built an era of peace and understanding. They inaugurated a new world order, an order worth preserving for the ages.”
- Cause chaos (noting that’s already happened)
- “On the ruins of conflict” – successfully destroyed nations and now they can usher in their forced peace systems like social credit scores/ESG/ Dignity Index type things.
- Just right out telling you they will “inaugurate a new world order” which sadly means a merging of communism and fascism to absolutely enslave humankind.
By now you are probably starting to hear a lot about “peacekeeping” or being a “peacemaker.” While that can have a variety of meanings, we want to highlight what we’re going to call the “Utah” version. Housekeeping notice: This blog will go along with our one world religion blog coming out soon.
If you live in Utah, you have heard about Governor Cox and his Disagree Better campaign. While it sounds nice on its face it has a concerning undertone.
What is Disagree Better via Cox and NGA:
“Americans need to disagree better. And by that we don’t mean that we need to be nicer to each other, although that’s helpful. We need to learn to disagree in a way that allows us to find solutions and solve problems instead of endlessly bickering.
An “exhausted majority” of Americans want this, and the science is clear about interventions that reduce polarization. As doers and builders, Governors are in a unique position to model what healthy conflict looks like.
The Disagree Better initiative will look at the problems of polarization, elevate the solutions that groups around the country are already implementing, and feature Governors showing what disagreeing better looks like. Through public debates, service projects, public service announcements and a variety of other tactics, Americans will see a more positive and optimistic way of working through our problems.
We know that conflict resolution takes work and involves difficult conversations. It’s much easier to sow division than to persuade or find solutions. But we also know that no one ever changed someone’s mind by attacking them.
Through healthy conflict, we’re confident that we can find common ground and improve our families, our communities and our nation. Together, we can disagree better.”
– Utah Governor Spencer Cox, NGA Chair
Like we said, sounds good right? Well, for starters who died and made governors king? Seriously. Who said they were the all-knowing morality peace police? If 2020 was any peek into governors running things, then we all should be very clear about never going down that road again.
The world currently is about as chaotic as it’s ever been for at least 5o years. The family unit has been destroyed, and compassion for human life desensitized. This is intentional. We currently have algorithms by humans and Ai alike to show people completely opposite information based on their gender, political leaning, religion and so on. This is NOT unifying, but instead used to cause aggression and hate towards those not like you/them.
This leads to riots, increased crime, elevated tensions across not just countries but people as a whole.
Ultimately their goal is to have so much unrest, chaos, crime and more that the people- you and I and others- demand government (international) intervention to bring peace and unification.
So, while they will try to calm the public’s nerves about programs like Disagree Better by saying they’re not trying to say give up your principles, they really are. Let us explain: During WWII should the world have let the Nazis do whatever they want because they needed to disagree better? Should they have negotiated and come to the middle with the Nazis? What about cutting off children’s body parts? Should we be negotiating with people about this? Should we be coming to the middle on this? What does the middle look like? Is it: we allow children to cut off body parts if their parents give it the okay? Or are the new health clinics in schools (disturbing and will need a blog all its own) the middle ground?
You get the idea. Disagree better, conflict resolution, rating speech on “dignity” and “civility” is all bogus. They’re all arms of control. Why are they better than you and I? Why do they decide what qualifies and what does not? Why do they even want to police free speech? This all leads to a social credit score but worse it’s part of a cult level operation for “world peace.”
Sure, you may laugh. Beauty pageants aside when have you seen so many programs, processes, and more focused on “peace” operations? For example, why does Utah State University have a page dedicated to disagree better- but worse, for parents to teach their children. Not joking. They have a “parenting toolkit and tip for learning to disagree better.”
I don’t know about you but that is the most patronizing pile of crap we’ve read in a long time. How about the warmongers learn how to actually disagree better? How about the establishment and minions learn how to actually uphold the constitution and free will?
While they have rallied the forces as they say, and it seems like a full-on assault currently, this has been in the works for a long time.
A group, either GEA or another (unsure the exact beginning) has “conflict resolution” portion as part of their Eden project (world peace initiative or as it’s sometimes called world stabilization initiative.) For example, check out the excerpt below:
“A Possible Fix: The Eden project provides a way to slow down the self-destructive aspect of our ‘quantitative’ linear thought process as it has now found form on the global stage. This move is absolutely essential to allow mankind the time to develop the required “spirituality” needed to responsibly manage this thought process’s potential to quantify, and thereby ensure our future survival. This first step requires the establishment of a “constructive /unbiased” dialogue between all recognized elements of society — inclusive of the disenfranchised. To be successful, the focus of this dialogue MUST be compelling. This purpose is best served by a consideration of how to resolve those issues that are currently threatening the survival of everyone similarly. In addition, this dialogue must be structured in a way that is fundamentally consistent to the development of mankind’s total potential (spirituality included), as opposed to any specific temporal momentum it might tend to manifest. Such a dialogue is a necessary first step toward reconstituting the required “hope” needed to buy the necessary ‘time’ to defuse the growing violence in the world.”
Source: http://www.edenorg.com/edp-001.htm
Now, let’s dig into where all this FORCED PEACE leads to:
A road called “civil society.” Here is what “they” consider a civil society.
Source- https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/rebuilding-civil-society/
Why are the Republicans supporting this? While the push to save the family is for sure a good thing why are Republicans spouting off UN language and worse communist talking points?
A key sentence here is “The instinct to collectively address common problems has not disappeared.” Another one to pay attention to is “with the rise of international development and transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs).” For those who may not know the elite are fundamentally changing our form of government to an authoritarian model. The way they are accomplishing it is via NGOs and PPPs/P3s (public-private partnership). This was all planned out and listed in several United Nations/WEF/WHO documents.
So, in other words you will no longer have elected representation (or even the façade of it), but instead unelected bureaucrats and activists running pretty much everything. This is all to help usher in the “collective” or “common good” civil society.
With all that now addressed let’s look at good ole’ Utah. Below is a quote from the Deseret News who was super excited that Utah hosted the United Nations Civil Society conference in 2019. So excited that Boyd Matheson (yep that Matheson) helped run a panel.
“That is the best approach to creating a civil society that I heard during the conference. It’s not just about being polite or civil in society. A true “civil society” is about actively seeking to learn how each person we come across is faring. How are they being treated in the cities and towns where they live? Is there opportunity for them to live the life they wish to live and to progress? The world came to Utah last week. It’s time to take the principles that make Utah a great civil society to the world.” https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2019/8/31/20838425/inside-the-newsroom-definition-of-a-civil-society-salt-lake-city-last-week-here-it-is/
Wow, lots to unpack there. If you are not aware Utah and the elite have been pushing the “Utah Model” which is absolutely horrific. You can read more about that here. At some point, likely in 1992 when Mike Leavitt became determined to get the Olympics, it was decided that Utah would be thrust onto the global stage, and in order to do so our culture would be dismantled (read about that here.)
This was all done under cheers and theater while conveniently not sharing ALL the information/ pros and cons with the public.
So, what do these peace programs and civil society systems look like in Utah? Well, check some examples out below:
Source- https://humanrights.utah.edu/news/united-nations.php
Source: https://www.rescue.org/united-states/salt-lake-city-ut
Notice the date of 1994 there. Leavitt and Huntsman were both very big on pushing immigration, so much so that they pushed a populatin growth narrative that we’d argue has led to the housing crisis for NATURAL BORN UTAHNS.
Source: https://kennedy.byu.edu/building-a-civil-society
This one is very troubling as they’re trying to remove the footprint. This particular one was listed on the United Nations NGO page and listed it as being active since 1965. See below screenshot. They have since removed access to it. We would ask why.
Source- https://www.pbsutah.org/about/code-of-integrity/
As you can see from this ultimately this will lead to the removal of free speech under the guise of “community standards” and collective Stepford wive hive mind thought.
Here is the church getting involved- remember we said this goes with the religion blog- well this is why. They are tied to one another. They are going to use religion to usher this “Eden Project” and false “UTOPIA” civil society in via false peace.
Source: https://advising.utah.edu/majors/quick-look/peace-conflict-studies.php
Every university has some semblance of this programming. The U is one of the worst.
Source- https://uccr.net/uccr-peacekeeper-award/
Utah is so awesome it has its very own “Utah Council on Conflict Resolution” – the amount of patronizing and condescending in all of this is truly mind blowing.
This list could go on all day, and it would be in almost every single governmental organization, committee, group etc.
Long short of it all is we the people must be better about seeing the agenda. They use fear, chaos, identity, and more against us. They keep us separated and fighting so they can usher in their “solutions,” of which are NOT for the good of the people.
When did it become not only okay, but preferred for people to silence themselves and allow for outright lies, nefarious programs, intentionally damaging process/organizations to proceed? Why is any information that doesn’t align with the establishment considered “misinformation?” Why do these same groups and people get to decide what is approved or not, what is “peaceful” and what is not? Why do they get to police the world (United Nation blue helmets)? They are not above us. They aren’t even elected.
To wrap this up:
There is an international movement by new thought/cult leaders and others to promote a “common good” “collective” peaceful UTOPIA “civil society.”
There is an international and national plan to achieve this, watch more information here, and they are literally going down their task list marking off each one as complete as we speak.
There is a local plan to take over your state. They are brainwashing your kids via education, and you via MSM media. They are intentionally pushing things as far left and extreme as they can so the right will over correct and champion more “patriot acts” or worse in for “security” and “peace.” They are counting on the people turning to big brother enforces, just like the brown coats did in Germany. They will use this to not only force a tyrannical GLOBAL “civil society”, but they will also use it to put you under 24/7 surveillance. THAT IS NOT PEACE. That is Marxists tyranny.
You must say no to this, we all must say no to this. This needs to be stopped in its tracks right now.
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2 Responses
The basic strategy, which the LDS church is signed onto, is to demonize you if you object to any of what they have planned (one world totalitarian government with total surveillance, no privacy, no private property, no families, population control, zero freedom of speech, no freedom to travel, banning meat, banning natural health and supplements, forced vaccines, etc). Eventually the Latter-day Saints will have to wake up and oppose evil rather than keep accepting it and pretending that this makes them good people due to not fighting evil which is being falsely portrayed as “contention” and “of the devil,” etc. No, sorry, not fighting evil is of the devil. Accepting evil is of the devil. Violating God’s commandments is of the devil – whether done by individuals or groups or governments. I’m thinking this will eventually cause a big division in the church between the globalist frauds and the real Saints.
“Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.” “Disagree Better” basically means to surrender to evil, in my opinion. Being a “peacemaker” means the same thing, to surrender in the face of evil. We are NOT being told to be “wise as serpents” and to take a stand against the evil that is attacking our families, children, the Constitution, our liberties, etc, etc. Instead we are told to be kind, be peacemakers, be “gentle as doves,” disagree better. But we are never told to take a stand against the very forces that seek our destruction. This is total Marxist strategy to guilt us into submission and unfortunately its working and people don’t see the reality of what this is really all about. Imagine if we had accepted this way of thinking during WWII. We are now living in a time where the enemy seeks our total destruction. He won’t respond to kindness, peacemaking, disagree better, etc. If we are to save our country, our families, our children, our liberties, we need to to take a stand against this, not stand down.