Lavoy Finicum Case Dead? Is There No Justice?

Levoy Finicum

On Sunday, November 19th, 2023 the family of the late Lavoy Finicum announced an end to their legal battle to get justice for Lavoy Finicum.

If you don’t know the story, I’d say there is arguably no bigger tragedy so far this century than the US government’s cold-blooded murder of Lavoy Finicum.  But even though it’s a tragedy, there’s an opportunity to honor the legacy of this amazing man, who loved all humans, and advocated for justice and freedom for everyone. He handled the media like a boss, and shows both the “left” and the “right” how freedom applies to all.

Through Defending Utah’s reporting on the Bundy and Finicum stories between 2014 and 2019, I had the blessing of getting to know some of their family. You can browse our many reports on the subject by searching our site for Finicum or Bundy.

You can read the story written by his daughter in her book, Liberty Rising.

Defending Utah also had the privilege of interviewing Lavoy one week before he died on the radio show I hosted at the time on KTALK radio. His insight was incredibly valuable for the politics at the time, when many “conservative” politicians were trying to “help” ranchers and farmers, but Lavoy knew the truth about what was going on with fake politicians.

The following is the message that was sent out by the family:


 The Supreme Court did not take up our case. 
Which means our journey through the court system has come to an end. Although we haven’t seen justice for LaVoy’s murder in this life, we know there will be justice in the next life.

As LaVoy quoted often,
“The fight for freedom is God’s fight… When a man stands for freedom he stands with God. And as long as he stands for freedom he stands with God. And were he to stand alone he would still stand with God…Any man will be eternally vindicated and rewarded for his stand for freedom.” Ezra Taft Benson

I can’t believe that we are approaching the 8th anniversary of his murder. Still at times, it feels like yesterday. For those of us left behind, life continues on, whether we wanted it to or not. The process of grief is traveled very uniquely, and has no time limit place on it. It repeats itself over and over again until you come to a place of peace, remembering only the love and wonderful times you shared together. I know many of you know what I mean and have experienced the same. Thank you for being there for me and my children throughout our continued process.

We have decided to keep the website up for now. LaVoy did start it himself when he published his book and hoped to share his book and feelings there regularly. We will strive to do that also. There are many items left over from our journey here on our website.  If you are interested we have reduced the price to cost and it will remain so until those items are sold. We have also reduced the price of his book for the holidays so you can share with others his story and warning of preparedness. Also, he started another book years ago. I found it in a brief case all hand written out. I am still in the process of transcribing, and hope to be showcasing it here on our website when it is finished.   
During this time of Thanksgiving, our family would like to thank all those who have helped us through these past years. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your support emotionally and financially.  Thank you for your love and kindness. We could NOT have gone this far without your love and support.  Many of you are now like family to us and we too love you all so very much. We pray that you are all well and encircled by those whom you love every day. May there be peace throughout the world.  May we continue to love and care for one another.  

May God Bless each of you!

With much love and eternal gratitude,

 Jeanette Finicum


I have always looked to Lavoy’s example as personal inspiration and to inspire others.
On memorial days, I post these memes:
So now in simple ways, we can all continue his legacy by doing what he wished we would all do.  Study and understand the US Constitution in the tradition of the founding fathers. Learn the great gift that they gave us.  If you don’t think it’s a gift, then you’ve victim on misinformation.  There’s no other path to restore our freedom than to first re-claim the freedom that was already given to us.  And it’s not about electing a new president, it’s about you individually studying that document and learning how freedom works in your own backyard.  And then standing with your neighbors when they’re in trouble, whoever they are.  We all have the same rights.  Lavoy would agree, in fact he taught these things on his video channel before he was murdered.
Lavoy never gave up when things got hard, he stood for what was right because he loved other people.
Inspired by his example, I have also not given up when things are hard.  I’m still here, fighting the fight, helping people one-by-one where I can, always hoping to find new friends in liberty. Often overwhelmed, by trying to make drops in the bucket where I can.
One sad reality of this story, shows us that justice is often not found in our courts.  Why?  Perhaps an original understanding of the constitution could help us.
Lavoy often promoted solutions based on nature’s laws.  This is the example I’ve also tried to follow in coming up with Defending Utah’s philosophy of solutions to make a real difference if people applied the knowledge.
Let’s honor his legacy, study the laws of nature, learn how the constitution was originally intended to work, and then let’s BUILD A SOCIETY WHERE JUSTICE IS TRULY POSSIBLE – the world and generations to come are counting on us.


2 Responses

  1. Sadly this government and judicial system is rogue and very corrupt. I am in the fight for my Liberty having filed many documents into the public record which these foreign courts cannot ignore, but must give judicial notice. These so called “attorney’s” (to attorn) , all of them, take a superior B.A.R. Guild oath to protect the court, then have the nerve to take an inferior public oath of office to defend the “constitution”. This puts them all in conflict of interest. We must gather and call them out on the record and demand recusal. I am PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR SINCE FERTILIZATION UNTIL MY LAST BREATH. If there is not a verified claim against me from someone I damaged, beit their body or property, there is not a crime committed. I no longer recognize my “birth” certificate (a bond) created thru fraud. I/we am/are the Beneficiary of the trust created thru this fraud. I do not consent. My Mother, our Mothers, were deceived into becoming the informant to this fraudulent government and signed us over to their evil scheme. Many I try to tell truth to have a hard time understanding. I live this truth. I have shut down 3 courts regarding my/our inalienable right to travel by refusing to sign any citation, instead sending the citation back to the court signed Without Prejudice in blue ink on a 45 degree angle, my First Amendment Notice to Abate, my Affidavit of non-corporate existence, and Memorandum of Law which is 25 pages of Supreme Court rulings in every State on our inalienable Right to Travel non-commercially. Who knew these existed? I now know as many also know. This number IS growing. I have also sent in a counter-claim against the officer involved in the attempt to deny my Liberty putting him on notice he will be sued in his personal capacity as a man and a lien will be put against his bond, as all government employees are bonded. How do I personally know I have shut these foreign courts down? 3 back-round checks over the last year and a half for employment, no warrants. My back-round checks are clean. I never went to their courts. They are administrative, thus I dealt with them with paperwork. Having caused no harm, there is no jurisdiction unless I consent. Americans must come together and fight. How many rights does anyone expect to have if you do not stand for them? Zero. Everything is an adhesion contract, everything. I no longer vote, this is an adhesion contract, I no longer contract for a “driver’s” license as this is an adhesion contract, I no longer “register” my automobile as this is an adhesion contract and indicates to these frauds I am engaged in commerce using the PUBLIC roadways for gain. These public roadways and highways are our RIGHT OF WAY. I have never ever in my entire life engaged in commerce using them. I travel in my private conveyance for work, the food market, getting gas, and for pleasure and the Supreme court stands on my side. This entire system is a system of RACKETEERING for revenue. I say sue under RICO. If just a handful of Americans in each county would begin standing for LIBERTY we can end this disgusting criminal activity by those we trusted to act in a lawful manner. Power corrupts. We must gather and return to Common Law on the Land on American soil. All statutes and codes are CORPORATE POLICY. As I am not a Heathen, an Ens Legis, a Juristic “Person”, Surety, Legal Person, Artificial Person, CORPORATE FICTION, or “THING” and thus have made these declarations as a living man in the Public Record notarized with the stamp and signatures of same and the county court clerk, 2 government witnesses to my declarations, I am NOT under their jurisdiction. I think one of the most powerful statements any one of us can make if we are thrust into their system standing before an actor in a black robe is this: I AM PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR SINCE FERTILIZATION UNTIL MY LAST BREATH. These scum are looking for the “TRUSTEE” and if you respond to the name they call you admit to their jurisdiction and admit you are the trustee of the trust, created thru fraud and without our consent, thus guilty. We are living under the Twelve [Presumptions] of Roman Civil Law and unless rebutted on the record, considered guilty. This is a result of the B.A.R. Guild usurping Law on the Land. I have many Lawful documents filed into the public record defending my living body. I am with you and can be reached if you would desire too. God blesses Lavoy Finicum, his family, and all peoples living peacefully upon the land who have been attacked by this corrupt system of fraud perpetrated by evil men and women who dare call themselves Americans. I call them TRAITORS because this is who they are.

  2. I’m so sorry for the harassment you are experiencing, and the loss of a genuine patriot, Lavoy Finicum. I am not familiar with his tragedy and will read up on his life and untimely death. He sounds like an American Hero we should come to know. Shame on the evil traitors who punish good people to satisfy their lust for power and control.

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