Cache Valley Prop 1 – Agenda 21 Land Grab

To all of the Cache valley residents, the November 8th general election voting period will include something of interesting value: a proposition called the “Cache County Open Space Bond”, or Prop 1. This is part of the United Nations Agenda 21

On the official information voter handout, the description of Prop 1 is as follows:

Shall Cache County, Utah, be authorized to issue General Obligation Bonds in a principal amount not to exceed TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of purchasing land, conservation easements, and other interests in land from willing landowners in order to protect scenic vistas, preserve open lands near valley gateways, add trails and trail connectivity, and maintain agriculture, waterways, and wildlife habitat, with all acquisitions to be selected by the County Council based upon recommendations of an Open Lands Board and subject to periodic independent audit commissioned by the County; said Bonds to be due and payable in not to exceed 20 years from the date of issuance of the Bonds? Property Tax Cost of Bonds: If the Bonds are issued as planned, an annual property tax sufficient to pay debtservice on the Bonds will be required over a period of 20 years in the estimated amount of $26.85 per year on a $429,000 primary residence and in the estimated amount of $45.52 on a business property of the same value. The foregoing information is only an estimate and is not a limit on the amount of taxes that the County may be required to levy to pay debt service on the Bonds. The County would be obligated to levy taxes to the extent provided by law in order to pay the Bonds. The amounts are based on various assumptions and estimates, including estimated debt service on the Bonds and taxable values of property in the County.

While it sounds lovely to have scenic vistas and open lands, do not be fooled. Read Dr. Scott N. Bradley’s breakdown of what will happen if this proposition gets voted in…
Read more on Agenda 2030 here. 

Opinion Editorial by Scott N. Bradley


  • Indebting the citizens of Cache County with an additional $20 MILLION to be paid through additional
    property taxation
  • This debt is to be paid over 20 years through funds collected via property taxation
  • Expending the borrowed money to purchase additional County-owned land or private land easements
  • Published proposed increases in taxes are only estimates and are likely to increase based upon historical
  • The County must create a supervisory board to administer the land on an ongoing basis at an unknown
    annual cost (additional County personnel)


  • That while your family’s budget is more constrained due to current economic conditions, the ever-growing
    leviathan appetite of government budgets is unabated and insatiable?
  • The Tens of Millions of Dollars in NEW government bonds and tax obligations that have been pressed upon
    hapless taxpayers in recent years?
  • That those new bonds have increased your taxes, and obligated you and your posterity for future decades?
  • That while you and yours are cutting back and we are being admonished to simplify our wants in order to
    survive in a world of economic instability . . .

    • NEW government programs are constantly being created,
    • EXISTING government programs continue to expand,
    • construction of additional government buildings is unremitting,
    • and the taxpayer’s burden is never diminished?


  • That when long-term bonds are paid off YOUR TAXES NEVER GO DOWN?
  • That the PERPETUAL habit is to incur new long term debt each time existing bonds approach pay-off?
    upon OURSELVES and our POSTERITY to allow government ownership and control of land to expand in
    our community?
  • That when new “good” ideas and programs are foisted upon our community they ALWAYS require creation
    of new departments that will exist and be funded in perpetuity to administer the program?
  • That the proposed cost of EVERY new government boondoggle ALWAYS exceeds the upfront stated cost?


  • If passed, this new proposed Proposition 1 bond obligation and increased tax will be collected by the force
    of government, and it will be collected regardless of how difficult it becomes to meet the obligations of our
    families—FOR DECADES.
  • Government will be fed at the expense of our families if need be.


In his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx states: “…the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the Single sentence: ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY.”

And the FIRST PLANK OF THAT SCURRILOUS MANIFESTO declares that those who intend to implement communism will seek the
“Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”

Communism is a virulent philosophy of socialism, but ALL forms of socialism are poison to liberty and may be captured in the simple dictionary definition of these dreary doctrines: Socialism: “Government ownership or control of the means of production and/or distribution.”

Land is the fundamental component of either production or distribution.

In Utah, the federal government owns approximately two-thirds of the land. When the land owned by the State of Utah and county and local governments is added in, the current total of government-owned land in Utah approaches eighty percent.

In regards to land, it would appear that, by Karl Marx’s definition, UTAH IS CURRENTLY NEARLY EIGHTY PERCENT COMMUNIST.

While they send out pretty postcards promoting their cause and have couched their position in euphemistic terms that belie its results, the unvarnished truth is that the advocates of Proposition 1 would have Cache County taxpayers shoulder $20 million in additional debt and tax burden (with associated ongoing administrative costs) to purchase more land to put into government holding.

At this point it would seem that the problem is not too many people, or too little land—it is TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT.

The thorns on this rose are painfully prominent!

Will you be free, or will you vote to take another small step along the road of bondage?

Be wise. Vote NO on Proposition 1!

Scott N. Bradley and Steve Porter

Against Proposition 1:

  • Indebting the citizens of Cache County with an additional $20 MILLION to be paid through additional property taxation
  • This debt is to be paid over 20 years through funds collected via property taxation
  • Expending the borrowed money to purchase additional County-owned land or private land easements
  • Published proposed increases in taxes are only estimates and are likely to increase based upon historical experience
  • The County must create a supervisory board to administer the land on an ongoing basis at an unknown annual cost (additional County personnel)

Have you noticed that while your family’s budget is more constrained due to current economic conditions the ever-growing leviathan appetite of government budgets is unabated and
insatiable? Have you noticed that while you and yours are cutting back and we are being admonished to simplify our wants in order to survive in a world of economic instability new
government programs are constantly being created, existing government programs continue to expand, and construction of additional government buildings is unremitting; and the taxpayer’s
burden is never diminished?
And now we are being asked to add additional millions of dollars of tax obligations upon ourselves and our posterity to allow government ownership and control of land to expand in our
community. If passed, this new proposed tax will be collected by the force of government, and it will be collected regardless of how difficult it becomes to meet the obligations of our families. Government will be fed at the expense of our families if need be.

It is said that a rose by any other name is still a rose. In his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx states: “…the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence:
abolition of private property.” And the first plank of that scurrilous Manifesto declares that those who intend to implement communism will seek the “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”
In Utah, the federal government owns approximately two-thirds of the land. When the land owned by the State of Utah and local governments is added in, the current total of government-owned land in Utah approaches eighty percent.
In regards to land, it would appear that, by Karl Marx’s definition, Utah is currently nearly eighty percent communist.
While proponents of Proposition 1 send out pretty postcards promoting their cause and have couched their position in euphemistic terms that belie its results, the unvarnished truth is that the advocates of Proposition 1 would have Cache County taxpayers shoulder $20 million in additional debt and tax burden to purchase more land to put into government holding. It would seem that the problem is not too many people, or too little land—it is too much government.

The thorns on this rose are painfully prominent! Will you be free, or will you vote to take another small step along the road of bondage? Be wise. Vote NO on Proposition 1!
Scott N. Bradley
North Logan, Utah


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