A Plan for Preserving Liberty; Enoch on Mormon Renegade Podcast

Mormon renegade podcast

For the second time, Defending Utah was a guest this summer on the Mormon Renegade podcast.

Check out the Mormon Renegade podcast directly here.

On Spreaker Podcasts:

Listen to “A Plan for Preserving Liberty – Enoch on the Mormon Renegade Podcast” on Spreaker.

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One Response

  1. This is the second time I am listening to this and have sent to some of family.
    Question, I am so disturbed about the way my mother state, Idaho, has allowed the travesty on Ammon Bundy for standing up for baby Cyrus and not allowing the state to take him from his loving mother/family. Is there anything being done to help that situation? Idaho used to be very Constitutionally minded.
    Thanks for what you are doing.

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