Case Dismissed; Idaho Mom Arrested in 2020 for Going to the Park

Sara Brady Case Dismissed

Sara Brady made national news in 2020 for being arrested in super conservative Idaho, for simply going to a park with her kids, breaking no laws.

Read the original story here from Sara’s perspective.

Shortly afterwards, Ammon Bundy led a group of concerned citizens in an appropriate exercise of the people’s right the petition for redress of grievances by delivering their grievance to the home of the officer that violated her rights.

While mainstream media criticized Ammon’s right to lead such a “protest”, it’s important for the public to understand this was highly appropriate and the right thing to do.

In 2022, Defending Utah published an article describing the constitutional foundation for the people petitioning for redress, even directly to the homes of those who you have the grievance against, especially when they’re avoiding you everywhere else. There must be some mechanism to personally and directly address the individual that is the object of your grievance.  You must be able to look someone in the eye, and interact with those who are personally responsible for violating your rights.

Last week (nearly three years later) Sara finally announced her case has been dismissed.


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2 Responses

  1. It’s great to hear the case dismissed. Now, i hope people who are able will help her sue those involved so that tyrants will think twice before trying the same thing with others and so she can be compensated for prolonged grievance due to the violation of her basic rights. And because we have to assert our rights in times like these or risk losing them.

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